Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

We enjoyed a relaxing weekend at home for Father's Day.  We played outside a lot, had a campfire, and enjoyed the warm weather.  Jake was able to spend some time with us and Andrew definitely enjoyed having a playmate!  

Not a new picture, but one of my favorites of Pete and Andrew.

Here's Andrew and Jake one year ago.

Look at how they've changed!

Can you tell they were excited to play in the water?  Our neighbor came out because she thought she heard a siren, but it was just Andrew screaming from excitement!

Trying to use a quieter "outside voice".

We went to the MN Zoo on Saturday and the boys love seeing the fish ("ish", "pip")

Happy that he didn't have to sit on Mom's lap during the entire tram ride.

Trying to escape the tram.

Checking out all of the animals!

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