Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Say what?

This was the conversation I had with Andrew on the way home from daycare today....

Andrew: Mom. Car. Dwink. Milk. Tootie (cookie). Mom. MOM. Daddy. Where tootie?

Me: No, there are no cookies. Did you have a good day?

A: Mom. Milk. Boat. Mom. Boat. Mom. Boat. Mom. Boat.

Me: Yes, there IS a boat. Good job. What did you do today?

A: Boat. Owie. Boat. Owie. Mom. Boat. Owie. Milk.

Me: How about that. You're right. The boat does have an owie. (as we drive past a boat turned over)

A: Mom. Aunt Ewin. Ewin. Ewin. Home. Ewin. Boat. Owie.

M: Aunt Erin is at her house. Do you see the kids on their bikes?

A: Yeah. Kid. Bite. Bite. Beepa. Dig dactor. Doddy! Mom! Mom! Doddy. Anodder one. Anodder one. Mom. Anodder one. Doddy!

M: Yup, there's a doggy. What did you have for lunch today?

A: Dool bus. BIG dool bus!

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