Monday, September 7, 2009

End of summer

We enjoyed our last weekend of summer. Uncle Steven met up with us in Alexandria for dinner on Friday night. We were prepping Andrew for seeing his uncle. As we got closer he kept asking for Beepa. We explained that we were going to see Steven for dinner and no one else. When we let him out of the car he was excited and ran over to Steven, shouting "Aunt Steven, Aunt Steven"!
After dinner, we continued our travels and ended in Fargo to visit with Aunt Chris, Uncle Steve, and baby Warren Buffet Nelson (due in Feb.). Saturday we spent some time in their garden and enjoyed being outside at a park. It was nice to see where they live and spend some time with them! Andrew is still asking for Aunt Tris.
Andrew continues to amaze us with his talking. Tonight after his bath, I was cleaning up and threw a tissue into the garbage. He saw this and said "wow, good job". After someone sneezes he usually says "bess you". We've been trying to get him to say a prayer with us before we eat, but he just looks at us, laughs and tries to hold his hands like we do. However, at the end he does shout "AMEN". Below are a few pictures from the weekend.

Finding a new way to ride his bike.

Listening to the Red River.

Actually posing AND smiling for a 20 month picture!

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