Tuesday, June 2, 2009

We didn't win the Lowes YouTube contest, but we did get some good news!

We did not win the "ultimate backyard play area", but we had a really fun time making the video and the support from all of you was fantastic.  

This contest was filled with very well done videos and the swing set went to a well deserving family

Thank you again to everyone who voted for us in the contest.  

We did receive some exiting news, we got the following emails:

We are really excited about the MOFILM U12, it is a world-wide event held in association with the Cannes Film Festival.  

The winner of each of the 12 brand contests will be judged by Spike Lee and 4 leading marketing professionals. All 12 winners will have their work on display at the Cannes Advertising Festival and the top 3 finalists will be invited all expenses paid to join us in Cannes France for the festival!  

So we may need a baby sitter from June 21-27th any takers?

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