Tuesday, March 3, 2009

the many faces of andrew

Andrew has been keeping us very busy lately.  He is always on the move and getting into something.  Some of his favorite activities lately are:
* trying to get a sip of water out of the bottles that have been put in the recycling bag.
* walking into closets and then immediately shutting the door and sticking his little fingers under the door for us to grab at.  
* going down the stairs backward, although today he made his body stiff and just slid all the way down.
* saying "hot".  now he puts his eyebrows up and nods his head up and down when he says it,  as if he's trying to convince us that whatever he's pointing to really is hot.
* reading lots of books before bed time.  He brings a book to me, I read it, then he brings it to Pete and he reads it.  Then, Andrew picks out another one and we both read it, and so on.  
* helping with the laundry by pushing the buttons on the washer and dryer.  I show him which one to push, he pushes it and then stands back to watch the clothes circle around.

Pete was able to spend a few days at home with Andrew while our daycare provider was out on maternity leave.  Below are the many faces that Pete captured throughout the day!

not a face picture, but he's been laying down in some weird spots lately to take a break

upset because he wants to play with all of the "hots" in Pete's office

I think we need to start telling him that if he does this too much his face will stay like that.  Yikes.

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