Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Andrew's vocabulary is expanding quickly.  Here are all the words he's said (or we think he's saying) thus far:
* hot
* hi
* mom "mum"
* dad
* doggie "dah ee"
* banana "nana"
* fish "ish"
* more
* bye bye
* baby
* no "NO NO NO NO"
* tractor "ta dur"
* duck "dut"
* Amy "A eee" (daycare provider)
* Ava "A ah" (Amy's daughter)
* Jake "ake" (Dave and Megan's son)

He's not quite picking up the baby signing like we thought he would, but we probably haven't been practicing all that much either.  So far, he makes the signs for more, bird, dog, and all done.  Overall, I'd say he's performing at grade level.  We'll be working on colors and numbers next!

Here are a few pictures from last weekend:

Getting his weekly dose of Baby Signing Time.  

Sitting on the fireplace, as long as he doesn't try to touch the "hot". 

Watching himself in YouTube videos before church.

The end of a long day.  
This is what happens when we are too lazy to put on his pants after a diaper change and his long - sleeved shirt after lunch, yet we want the bib there to catch his drool and we thought this would be an appropriate time to have him try out his new shoes.

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